Whats app is a most popular mobile platform messenger which is available is all the markets. But currently its available for all the mobile platforms like Android, IOS etc. If you don’t have a smart phone and missing all the fun of your friends here is a simple trick where you can use What’s app on you PC.
First you need to know about Bluestacks, Its a application which enable you to use all the available apps in the Android market on your computer. Its a very easy to access.
Download Bluestacks from http://bluestacks.com
Install it on your computer and launch it.
Now in the search Type the app name that is “WhatsApp”
Now select the app from the list and click on it. The app will start downloading.
After installing it appears in the list on apps, now you can open it. In the confirmation process of SMS it will not send SMS so you need click on Verification via Call and enter your number to get the confirmation code.
In the same way by searching in the Bluestacks download apps like angrybirds and many more.
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