* Sharecash is a file hosting site that has the biggest pay per download ratio on the website. The things are they spam surveys ask you for email addresses and that generally make it difficult for you to download files from sharecash. That's why lots of spammers and scammers resort to Sharecash for easy money of course.
* So here is a method that will allow you to download the files from sharecash directly and ignore the all "Sharecash Surveys " by just follow the instruction below.
* Follow the below steps to ignore sharecash surveys to download files direct to your computer.
1) Download the "ShareCashBypasser" first.
2) Then extract the downloaded file with "Winrar" and open the file.
3) Now copy the "Sharecash" link you want to download and paste it on the Sharecash Bypasser.
4) Now click on the download button.
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